
The University has an Alcohol and Other Drugs Biennial Review Work Group chaired by the Executive Director of Collegiate Recovery and Intervention Services, and made up of representatives from various divisions of the campus, including University Recreation, the Office of Analytics and Policy, the Office of Student Conduct, the Office of the Dean of Students, the Title IX Coordinator, the Office of Housing and Residential Communities, the Department of Health Wellness and Promotion, Counseling Center, the Office of Human Resources, the University of Alabama Police Department and the Office of Counsel. This group meets regularly and ensures that current students and employees are provided notice of the University’s Drug-Free Campus and Workplace Policy on at least an annual basis. The notice sent to students and employees describes the information in the University’s policies, which include information about standards of conduct, possible legal sanctions and penalties, statements of the health risks associated with alcohol and other drug abuse, the alcohol and other drugs prevention programs available to students, faculty and staff, and disciplinary sanctions for violations of the standards of conduct. Students receive a notice by email every semester they are enrolled; employees receive a notice by email shortly after they are hired and a paper copy is sent on an annual basis to all employees.

In compliance with federal law, this work group also reviews the University’s drug abuse and/or substance education prevention programs on a biennial basis to determine their effectiveness, to implement any needed changes, and to ensure that disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced. Members of the public may request a printed copy of the current biennial review report from the Office of the Vice President of Student Life by writing the Vice President of Student Life, Attention: Administrative Assistant, Box 870116, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0116; or by e-mailing vpsaoffice@ua.edu or by calling 205-348-6670.