
The University of Alabama provides annual notification to all students, faculty, and staff of its alcohol and other drugs policy through email. The Drug Free Campus and Workplace Notice for students (PDF) is sent electronically by the Provost to all students each semester.


All students have the right to pursue their individual and collective goals in a safe and healthy education and work environment that is free from the effects of alcohol and other drug (AOD) misuse.  Students have a personal responsibility to adhere to all the applicable laws, policies, and regulations governing the use of alcohol or other drugs.  Students who violate these policies will be held accountable for their behavior and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions.  The Capstone Creed and the Code of Student Conduct set the standard for individual and civic responsibilities, as well as the University process for dealing with violations.  The University of Alabama has adopted the Drug Free Campus and Workplace Policy and the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy for Students to inform students about the dangers of substance misuse.  The University urges you to read these policies and become familiar with their provisions.  Collectively, the policies can be summarized as follows:

Standards of Conduct

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance by any student or employee of The University of Alabama is prohibited.  It is also a violation of the Code of Student Conduct for a student to unlawfully possess or consume alcoholic beverages on campus or at University-sponsored events, or violate laws or policies regarding alcohol use or possession.

Disciplinary Sanctions

Violation of these policies shall result in the prompt imposition of sanctions.  These sanctions depend on the nature and severity of the offense and may include a warning, a loss of privileges, disciplinary probation, community service, restitution, required satisfactory participation in counseling and/or rehabilitation program, suspension, expulsion, termination of student employment and/or referral to proper law enforcement authorities for prosecution.  Except with respect to employment, sanctions taken against students will be carried out in accordance with policies and procedures published in the Code of Student Conduct  up to and including, for very serious violations, dismissal from The University.

Education, Counseling, and Treatment Programs

Collegiate Recovery and Intervention Services is available for those students who need or desire substance misuse counseling or for those who have made a commitment to pursue abstinence-based recovery. The Collegiate Recovery Community provides students a safe and supportive environment to pursue recovery and is housed in The Collegiate Recovery and Intervention Services Department. The Counseling and Intervention program offers multiple levels of intervention based on the student’s needs. The Counseling Center also offers services for students with a variety of presenting concerns related to substance use and misuse, including assessment, short-term counseling, crisis intervention, and referral assistance.  In addition, the Student Health Center provides medical care and psychiatry services.  Health Promotion and Wellness provides prevention education and prevention-oriented initiatives, as well as peer education programs related to substance use and misuse. The Dean of Students provides both group education targeted to substance use/misuse and individual mentoring and behavioral contractual agreements for success.  The Office of Student Conduct has established an on-campus drug court model for serious violations of the Code of Student Conduct to address the needs of those students impacted by substance misuse. Additional information regarding other AOD Education and Prevention Programs is provided on the AOD Prevention webpage and is intended to engage the student holistically for the purpose of student wellbeing and academic success. 

Health Risks and Legal Sanctions

Substance misuse can create serious health risks and result in the imposition of a range of criminal penalties, including large fines and imprisonment. Please refer to the Drug Free Campus and Workplace Policy and to the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy for Students for a more detailed description of these health risks, laws, and penalties.

Faculty and Staff

The President annually distributes the Drug Free Workplace Policy to all faculty and staff. Also included is the UA’s Drug-Free Campus and Workplace Policy summary, which advises employees of prohibited conduct, their requirement to self-disclose convictions, disciplinary sanctions that could be imposed, education, counseling, treatment and rehabilitation programs, and health risks and legal sanctions.